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Ever wonder to do with all that "neat" stuff you get via E-mail? This page is dedicated to such stuff. If you need a good laugh follow the links. Contributions accepted. Email to alan@wisquicks.com . Larger files (over 100KB) are marked with either MB (megabyte) or KB (kilobyte) Newer items listed first.
 Last updated 2-25-02

  Think Body Piercing and Tattoos are Pretty??

The Joys of Womanhood?!?!

Tug Boat
Driver (1.5MB)

Forest Fire at Night....

Florida's New Ballot

Texas Justice

Don't Step on the Ducks...

Political philosophies explained in simple "two cow" terms:


Ever thought someone looked like their pet??

Ever wonder what happens to the Salmon bears get while fishing?(1.3MB)

download Basic version free


Problems with your new operating system? Dear Tech Support.... 


Looking for a "Good" government job? Dear Secretary....

Thinking of resigning your responsibilities? Join me...


Smart Man + Smart Women = ??

Help us find this "poor" girls father!


Having problems with the IRS? Kids?

Bad day at work? Use these!


Dr. Seuss's
 "I Love My Job"

Could You Have Passed the 8th Grade in 1895? ..Take a Look:

A bear could make a believer out of an atheist???

How to be a Good Democrat:

Getting Crowded in Heaven - Rules Changing!!

These are notes from an inexperienced chili cook-off judge named Frank....



" A Question to God " Why didn't you save...

Bill Clinton Monument Committee
This is no ordinary solicitation......

The poor lady who dropped her soap! Please help her...(101KB)

Ronald Reagan's last wish...

Don't think everyone deserves a TAX CUT? A parable...

How to tell if animals are Democrats or Republicans


Cats analyzed...

Thank You Al Gore...

The difference between a man and a woman is...


Need a pin-up poster to make you feel thin? It's clean but....(130KB)


Cool photo of Jet breaking the sound barrier....

OK, who left the porch lite on?
Awesome picture of the earth....

Switched at Birth??

Is Al Gore ill???

New rule in Golf...

I'll soon be a millionaire...

New Seal for the Democratic Party....

"A Democracy cannot exists as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, followed by a dictatorship."
Lord Alexander Tyler on the fall of the Athenian Republic

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